Architectural Location Photography
This week I photographed a small business in Itasca: United Steel & Fasteners Inc. They manufacture railroad track fasteners and track switches at this facility. I was unable to do a site check of the facility. It is a luxury to be able to go on site and walk through the facility and discuss the photography. The building faces North, which means very little if any light will be on the face of the building. It is a one story building approximately 78,000 sq ft. There are also trees shading the front of the building. I was only scheduled for a 1/2 day photo shoot, which included several manufacturing procedures, stress testing product, railroad track switches, (that actually switch the tracks to change where the railroad cars are going and a hand full of products, and an exterior photograph of the building. I had to keep post processing to a minimum. It always imperative to be able to adapt on location, ask questions and listen to the client so we can make the best images for their use. Stan Kotecki © Photo 2016