Stan Kotecki Photo Workshop

This Spring Stan Kotecki will conduct a 1 day Photography Workshop at the Des Plaines Methodist Campground. Founded in 1860.  Listed on The National Register of Historic Places in 2005 as the Des Plaines Methodist Camp Ground. This Historic community was inspired by the unique circle of cottages at Martha’s Vineyard. The Campground is over 150 years old.  Situated on 35 acres along the Des Plaines River. There are approximately 100 buildings on the site.  2 Tabernacles, a dining hall, hotel, community buildings and individual cottages.  This is an opportunity to photography architecturally historic buildings. We will have access to the interior of several buildings, and a cottage.

Stan Kotecki is a Commercial, Fine Art Photographer. Currently, he has an exhibit of the Methodist CampGround at the Des Plaines History Center at 781 Pearson St in Des Plaines.  All levels of photographers are welcome.  Be sure to bring your tripod and wide angle lenses. For more images of the CampGround see the Methodist CampGrounds Des Plaines Facebook page.  I will be announcing the spring date in the next couple of weeks.  For more information contact .